Fitting & Size Guide
International size conversions
What does a good fitting bra look like?
Putting on your bra
You can only tell if your bra is the right size once it has been put on correctly.
The best way to put on your bra is to put your arms through the shoulder straps, then while holding the bra at the hooks and eyes, bend slightly forward and let your breasts sit in the cups. Do up the bra behind your back, with the hooks and eyes on the loosest fastening, so as the bra stretches over time you can tighten it.
Once the bra is done up, you need to scoop your breast tissue fully into the cups, within the underwires.
To do this on one side: first - hold the underwire under the cup with your fingers and, with your opposite hand, reach into the cup and lift your breast tissue up and into the cup so your breast is sitting within the wires. Repeat on the other side. Then take your two index fingers, place them inside the centre of your bra, where the wires meet; and do a little swoop up across the top of the cups to smooth them out.

The band is the main source of support in a bra. It should fit snugly around your ribcage, sitting level all the way around, without riding up. It should be firm, but not tight. You should be able to get two fingers underneath the back. A well-fitting band should provide around 80% of the support.
If it is riding up your back in a curve, first check that the straps are not too tight then go for a smaller band size. If it is uncomfortably tight, go for a larger band size.

A good-fitting bra should have cups that encompass the breasts without spilling over or gaping. The material should provide adequate support while contouring to the natural shape of the breasts. The cups should lift and support, creating a smooth, flattering silhouette.
If there is fabric gaping or puckering, try a smaller cup size. If you are coming out of the top or sides of the cup, go for a larger cup size. If you are coming out the bottom of the bra, try a smaller band size and larger cup size.

The centre of the bra, or the gore, should lie flat against your sternum, without digging in or pulling away. This helps prevent gapping and ensures the bra is holding everything in place properly.
Some ladies with particularly dense breast tissue may find it tricky to find bras that sit completely flat or, they may not sit flat because of the bras style e.g. some strapless bras and moulded bras. As long as the wires aren't digging in, and clear the breast tissue around the sides, you should be fine.

The straps should sit comfortably on your shoulders without digging in or slipping off. They help provide additional support, so they should not carry the majority of the weight - that's the job of the band and cradle.
A good fit will have the straps at a comfortable tension and they shouldn't leave a painful red mark.
Working out your size from your current bras
Rather than using measurements, often it is easier to predict your true bra size based on how your current bras are fitting.
As with any clothing and shoes there is often some variation, and this is normal. There are a few styles that fit significantly differently to the norm. We have noted these differences on their product pages, and given you our recommendations for size adjustments.
If the band size fits, but the cup size is too small:
Keep the band size the same, and go up a cup size e.g. 12DD to 12E, 16FF to 16G.
If the band size fits, but the cup size is too big:
Keep the band size the same, and go down a cup size e.g. 12DD to 12D, 16FF to 16F.
If the cup size fits, but the band is too small:
Go up a band size, and down a cup size, this keeps the cup the same volume e.g. 12DD to 14D, 16FF to 18F.
If the cup size fits, but the band size is too loose:
Go down a band size, and go up a cup size, this keeps the cup the same volume e.g. 12DD to 10E, 16FF to 14G.
If the band AND cup are too small:
Go up a band and keep the cup the same letter, this will give you more space in the cup e.g. 12DD to 14DD, 16FF to 18FF.
If the band AND cup size are too big:
Go down a band and keep the cup size the same letter, this will reduce the space in the cup e.g. 12DD to 10DD, 16FF to 14FF.
What are equivalent cup sizes?
Bra sizing isn’t as straightforward as you might think. If your bra size needs correcting, you most often need to adjust both the number AND the letter of your bra size to get the right fit. Otherwise, if you are wearing a 14DD and size down to a 12DD to get a firmer fit, the cup size will actually become smaller too.
The best place to start is here: find your ‘best-fit’ bra size in the grid below. Your equivalent sizes are those on either side. These keep your cup size the same volume but allow for bra styles that are a firmer or looser fit than the norm; or, if you have changed size and need more, or less room around your torso.
e.g. A 14DD is the same volume of breast tissue as a 12E or 16D
Bra too firm – move to the size on the left.
Bra too loose – move to the size on the right.
Working out your size using measurements

Measure around your body just underneath your bust, keeping the tape measure firm and straight. We would prefer the measurement in inches, but we can convert from centimeters for you.

Measure across the fullest part of your bust while wearing your best fitting, non-padded bra, again keeping the tape measure straight the whole way around.

Provide us with these measurements and we’ll do
all the thinking for you. When using a measurement chart, there are
more cases where the rules don’t work, than when they do. We’d love for
you to get in touch once you have taken your measurements, so you can
benefit from our expertise and product knowledge. That way we will
maximise our chances of having you feeling amazing in the correct size, the first time.
Contact Us
Extra tips
Move around a little and make sure you feel comfortable. Stretch your arms and hold them over your head to test if the bra stays in place. Unfortunately there is no such thing as a perfect absolute bra size, don’t worry about the size on the tag – it’s the fit that counts! Most women have slightly unequally sized breasts. When choosing a bra, it’s always best to look at the fit of the larger breast, and have the strap a little tighter on the smaller size – underneath a top, you won’t notice the difference.