Sourcing & Sustainability
We make significant effort to gather thorough and accurate information from our suppliers regarding these issues, and to give them regular feedback about their importance to us.
The good news is that our core suppliers also care about these issues. They have long-term relationships with a small number of global factories (or in some cases own the factories themselves), deal directly with them, and ensure they are audited in accordance with internationally recognised standards, (for example WRAP – Worldwide Responsible Apparel Production). We have good confidence that human rights abuses such as child labour and forced labour are not in our supply chain.
Some of them have committed to targets for 2025 and/or 2030 and to giving annual progress reports. After researching and reading some of these reports, it is clear that genuine advances are being made. From generating renewable energy (e.g. solar) to committing to reducing product waste from 1% to zero, and manufacturing fabric and yarn from renewable resources and recycled material, our suppliers are setting goals, measuring their progress, and making that data public.
"Investing in this rooftop solar facility underscores Wacoal America's commitment to technical innovation and environmental stewardship. 'Wacoal is excited about the completion of the solar installation and the opportunity to generate solar energy. This solar project with Dynamic Energy moves us in the right direction toward our Sustainability Initiative in support of our Corporate Social Responsibility', said LaRome Talley, Senior Vice President of Finance at Wacoal America."

"The 965 kW system is expected to generate approximately 1.2 million kWhs of electricity annually, avoiding the emission of 935 tons of carbon dioxide per year, while contributing to New Jersey's renewable energy targets."