Bras after surgery
Immediately after any breast surgery, particularly mastectomy surgery, a comfortable and soft bra is usually required. Often it can be challenging to lift your arms over your head. So it’s ideal to have something you can step into or fasten at the front.
We have bra and singlet options, all of which have an elastic shelf inside that gives support, and all of them also have a 'pocket'. The pocket is an extra layer of fabric inside the cups that you can put a foam breast form or prosthesis into if you choose, to hold it securely. We have a few excellent options, see them below.
After approximately 6 weeks after surgery, we recommend having a fitting for your bras and prosthesis, when any swelling has settled, and you are ready to wear an ordinary daily wear bra. A good fitting bra is essential for your prosthesis to feel comfortable and secure, so having a fitting for both at the same time is a good idea.
We usually suggest non-wired bras for the first 12 months after surgery because it can take some time for your body to heal. After that time, you may choose to get underwire bras again if you find them comfortable and supportive. There is no research that confirms underwire bras are unsafe or to be avoided.

We have put together some further information that you might find useful. We will go over everything necessary in your fitting, but sometimes it is nice to feel prepared. If you have any questions prior to your appointment, please get in touch.