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The fitting process

Bra Fittings after Mastectomy Surgery

Approximately 6 weeks after surgery, most women are healed sufficiently to be fitted for ongoing daily wear bras and a breast prosthesis(es).
How long you wait to be fitted is up to you.

Any Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand funding that you may be entitled to does not 'begin' until you make your first purchase/claim. So you are not missing out on any entitlement by waiting until you feel ready to be fitted. We highly recommend making a booking, so that we can set aside sufficient time to give you the attention you need and ensure we have a qualified fitter available.

Book a Fitting


Scroll down for a video that explains the specialist post-surgery fitting process.

  • Find out what you are looking for. Sit down together and let you know what we have to offer, answer any questions or requests you may have, as well as discussing the funding process if you are not yet aware.
  • Fit you for a bra first. A good-fitting, comfortable bra is the basic building block for the prosthesis to fit well and be supported. There may be one obvious best option or several you like.
  • Choose a prosthesis. You can try different styles and sizes for a prosthesis in the bra. Sometimes the first one you try is just what you’re looking for. Other times we try 2-3 different options and compare. To make the decision, you can put your top on and see which prosthesis provides the best match for your own side. You can also use touch, or the measuring tape, or just what ‘feels right’. We will give our opinions and advice about what is a good outcome based on our experience, but it needs to feel right to you.
  • Build your new bra-drobe. Try your chosen prosthesis with other bra styles, to be sure you have the best fit and all the choices you would like to coordinate with your clothing.
  • The paperwork. If you are eligible for funding from Te Whatu Ora - Health New Zealand, and are claiming through us, we take a copy of your medical certificate, and you sign a claim form for the items you are taking that day. You can take the items home if we have them in-store, and Te Whatu Ora will pay us for those items. You pay the top-up for anything you purchase over the value of the funding amount.
  • Take the items home and wear them. We call you after a week or two to check that you are happy with what you’ve chosen, and invite you for a re-fit if there is anything concerning you regarding your purchases.

for confidence after breast surgery
We have put together some further information that you might find useful. We will go over everything necessary in your fitting, but sometimes it is nice to feel prepared. If you have any questions prior to your appointment, please get in touch.
Mastectomy Bra Fittings Video
What is a specialist post-surgery fitting like?

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